Animal Welfare Policy

Our Animal Welfare Policy
Heggies of Hereford aims to be associated with high standards of animal welfare and best industry practice in it's supply base.
We will deliver this commitment by maintaining an up to date knowledge of animal welfare, bioethics and legislation.
Heggies of Hereford Animal Welfare Policy endorses the ‘Five Freedoms’ concept proposed by the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), as follows:
Freedom from
1) Water and food deprivation, malnutrition
2) Environmental challenge
3) Disease, injury and functional impairment
4) Behavioural/ interactive restriction
5) Mental and physical suffering
Our Policy
A) To source animals from farms that demonstrate high standards of animal welfare
B) To source quality stock from near to our abattoir as possible
C) Buy direct from local farms
D) To provide our abattoir services for local farmers and retailers so they do not need to transport animals long distances
E) Visit our farm suppliers regularly and suggest improvements that would improve animal welfare.
F) Use trained staff to handle animals
G) Provide access to F.S.A staff to stock to ensure an independent assessment of animal welfare
H) Keep records of movement and traceability
I) Actively encourage the sale of higher welfare products such as free range eggs, poultry and pork
J) To purchase higher welfare meat
K) Use whatever publicity we can to emphasise the link between good animal welfare and good quality meat.